Book Review: A Bound Heart by Laura Frantz
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin What a lovely, lovely cover for Laura Frantz’s new novel A Bound Heart. You know how much I adore covers. 🙂 The first half of the book is set in Scotland in a village controlled by the…
Historical Flavor: Battle of Kings Mountain
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin It was 1780 and things weren’t looking good for the patriot side in the war for our American independence, especially in the south. However, things were about to turn around, mainly through the poor choices of the British and the…
Book Review: Saratoga Letters by Elaine Marie Cooper
by Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin With Elaine Marie Cooper’s new novel, Saratoga Letters, the reader gets two stories in one book. Normally, a time-slip novel has one story set in the past and the other in the present. This book…
Celebrating 240 Years!
by Sandra Ardoin NO! We’re not celebrating 240 years of me. (Though there are days when it seems like it’s possible.) 🙂 Next Monday, we celebrate 240 years since the American Declaration of Independence was approved by those…