October 2020 Around the Web
Have your leaves turned those lovely shades of oranges and reds? Maybe they’ve fallen off, or maybe your leaves are just sprouting. Here, it’s definitely Fall, even down to the cold one day, hot the next.
Just like Fall leaves, there is a lot of variety in this month’s interesting blog posts. I hope you find something inspiring, intriguing, and informative.

Next time you feel like having a pity party, you might want to read “I Wasn’t Supposed To Grow Old!” by Bill Sweeney on the Unshakable Hope blog.
When I see a post with the title “Mismatched Socks” I have to read it. This article on the Iron Porch blog has little to do with socks. Alas, I thought it might clue me in to finding those missing socks that disappear on wash day. But it’s still worth the read. 🙂
It’s election time in the U. S. The first presidential election I voted in was in 1980. I missed my first chance but none since. “Choosing” on the Christian Devotions site points out a great reason to vote.
Authors who take seriously their role as writers for the Christian market know they have a Collaborator. Becky Wade is one of those authors and she shares “5 Verses to Pray Before Work from Author Becky Wade” on the T.R.U.T.H. blog.
Let’s add a little humor to the reading life with “24 Funny Images Bookish Parents Will Relate To” from BookBub. My personal favorites are 9, 10, 16, and 19.
After you’ve waded through the beginning of “A 100-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor on How Books Save Lives” and get to the letter, this is such an emotional, inspiring story about the value of reading.
Voice. It’s one of those things I understand, sort of, yet when it comes to me as a writer, I can’t pinpoint it. Maybe Katherine Reay’s explanation in “Finding your Voice” on the Learn How to Write a Novel blog will help you to find yours.
Platform? Ugh! Maybe “What You Can Learn About Platform From a 12-Year-Old” on Jane Friedman’s blog will provide both insight and courage to try something new.
How have your book sales done during this pandemic? I found Written World Media’s post “Hindsight in 2020: The eBook Market During Covid-19” to be interesting.
For this month’s video, we’re touring the Blue Ridge Mountains for the Fall color.