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May 2017 Around the Web

Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin

It’s been a crazy month and not one I’m eager to repeat in June. Still, there were a number of interesting and encouraging posts that came out in May. Hopefully, you’ll find some to enlighten and encourage you too.



It’s important to let the seed of joy grow through the darkness of adversity. Edie Melson offers encouragement for those times of fear.

Do you have a few regrets in life? Things you don’t regret? I can relate to a few of these, especially the dressing up. I’m not much of clothes horse, but I do still like to dress up on Sunday mornings.

I lost a friend this month. A writing buddy. A woman who loved the Lord and made sure everyone else knew it. A woman who related to and encouraged others in their grief. This was her last post and reading it again gave me goosebumps. Enjoy the beach, Phyllis!


What do you think about ebooks vs. print? What are your preferences in methods of reading? Steve Laube discusses this issue on the agency blog.

Are you going through The Five Stages of Dealing With Your TBR Pile? Bethany House outlines them. Which stage are you in?

Does reading show on a woman? Ladies, you might want to check this one out before picking up that next book. 🙂


Are you trying to fashion your writing after someone else? Julie Glover on Writers in the Storm encourages writers to discover and embrace their own writing voices.

Interesting article from the Author’s Guild about “Amazon’s Taking Another Bite of the Publishing Pie.” Tell me what you think after reading it.

If you’re a slow writer like me, this post on Seekerville will make your head spin, but I so want to try it!

Was there a blog post or article that encouraged you in some way during the month of May?

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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