• July 2023 ACFW New Fiction Releases

    Happy Fourth of July to those in the U. S.! Cue the fireworks in celebration of independence and new Christian fiction releases! It’s Christmas in July!! My first book, The Yuletide Angel, has been off the market this year .…

  • June 2023 ACFW New Fiction Releases

    It’s time to start your summer reading experience, right? So, here are some of the Christian fiction releases coming up this month, along with a few that released last month. Grab what appeals to you, and happy reading!    …

  • April 2023 ACFW New Fiction Releases

    Welcome to April and spring blooms! And storms. And pollen. And NEW RELEASES! A number of different genres are represented in this list of new Christian fiction releases this month.   Amish Romance:     Courage in the Storm by…