Celebrating Spence and Phoebe – Book Release
Spence gritted his teeth, then said, “The name I gave you was Mrs. Lark, not Mrs. Crain.” Wallace’s eyebrows shot skyward. “I’m sorry, sir. I was looking at that new wallpaper right after you told me and guess I got…
We’re Unwrapping Hope!
This has been one crazy month with regard to my schedule. Vacation, appointments, and preparing for a book launch have thrown me off my timetable. That said, my regular “Around the Web” post will come out this Friday to allow…
Book Review: The Noble Guardian
From a color scheme standpoint, I think Michelle Griep’s The Noble Guardian has one of the most appealing covers of the year. This is the third and final book in the Bow Street Runners series. Set in 1815, it involves…
Book Review: A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano
Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin So far, I’ve missed reading Ms. Politano’s debut novel, Lady Jane Disappears, but I’d heard so much about it that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her second book, A Rumored Fortune. Tressa Harlowe’s father…