Finishing Strong With Caryl McAdoo
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin We’re continuing the Finishing Strong posts this year with author Caryl McAdoo. Carol is a pretty prolific author, so I felt she would be a good one to explain her process. Welcome, Caryl! Alpha & Omega I’ve…
Finishing Strong With Jennifer Hallmark
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin Author Jennifer Hallmark’s debut novel releases in June, but don’t let the word “debut” fool you. She has plenty of writing credits and knows how to “Finish Strong.” Welcome, Jennifer! What Should I Write About Next?When You’re…
Finishing Strong With Robin Patchen
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin I’m pleased to welcome Robin Patchen to this month’s Finishing Strong. Robin is not only a romantic suspense author but the owner of Robin’s Red Pen. So if you need a freelance editor, I can tell you…
“Finishing Strong” with Candee Fick
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin Author Candee Fick stops by today to give us her perspective on what it takes to “Finish Strong” when it comes to our writing projects. Welcome, Candee! Some authors have one epic idea for a book that…