• Historical Flavor: The Salvation Army

    Sandra Ardoin @Sandra Ardoin When I was writing A Reluctant Melody, I wanted my hero, Kit Barnes, to have founded an organization designed to help those who suffered from alcohol abuse. While researching ways he might have done that in…

  • Historical Flavor: Roller Coasters

    Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin School is out and the amusement parks are packed with people looking for a thrill. Many find it with a heartstopping ride on a roller coaster.  Did you know Coney Island in New York put the first…

  • Historical Flavor: Battle of Kings Mountain

    Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin It was 1780 and things weren’t looking good for the patriot side in the war for our American independence, especially in the south. However, things were about to turn around, mainly through the poor choices of the British and the…