• Santas and Books—Or Not

    My name is Sandy Ardoin and I am a Santa-holic. Yes, come this time of year, my home becomes one gigantic display of St. Nicholas. Miniature. Child-sized. Round. Thin as a pencil. Red and white. Blue. Ceramic. Wood. Stuffed. Pirate.…

  • A Christmas Blessing

    Edwina Cowgill is running a series of advent devotions on her blog this month. They’re very inspiring and I recommend them to anyone in need encouragement or blessing, which should be each and every one of us. I particularly found Day…

  • Review: Mary’s Son, A Tale of Christmas

    Mary’s Son, A Tale of Christmas follows thirteen-year-old Jared Roberts and eleven-year-old Sarah Stone as they discover the real meaning of Christmas first hand. Jared, a poor boy from the Sink, is bitter over the circumstances that led to his father abandoning the…

  • Welcome the Light!

    “The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.” (John 1:9) A well-loved Christmas tradition around our house is the candlelight service on Christmas Eve. In the early evening as the sun is setting, we drive…