Seriously Write: Sea Creatures and Hollywood Hunks by Sandra Ardoin
Writers put a lot of work into their characters, either before they ever start writing, or as they go along. Today on Seriously Write, we’re talking about the way we envision our characters and whether or not that should be public…
Do I know you?
As a writer, I have to know my characters. That means preparing a character sketch. For instance, for my hero, I’ll decide things such as what he wants most, conflict, motivation, his background, family, friends, religion, etc. I’ll also include an idea of what…
Fictional People Celebrate Thanksgiving, Too (Two)
Because it’s Thanksgiving and I’m busy with all that traditional stuff, I’m running last Friday’s post again. But that doesn’t mean you can’t leave a comment. Have a happy holiday and give thanks to the One who provides for you all year…
How Do Fictional People Celebrate Thanksgiving?
As we approach Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to ask writers of published and unpublished novels about their main characters’ plans for the holiday. I got varied answers and…well, let me have the characters and authors tell you. “I plan on Thanksgiving being a…