Review: Trinity – Military War Dog
Back Cover Copy: An ex-Green Beret and his war dog on the greatest mission of their lives, and probably their last. A year ago in Afghanistan, Green Beret Heath Daniels’s career was destroyed. Along with his faith. Now he and his…
January 2013 Christian Fiction Releases
With this new year comes a new opportunity to start your “Reading Favorites” list for 2013. Which of these newly-released novels will be on that list? Mind of Her Own by Diana Lesire Brandmeyer — Who knew making dinner could…
August 2012 New ACFW Releases
For those last-minute vacations before school starts: Words in the Wind (Gateway to Gannah #2) by Yvonne Anderson — Marooned in a desolate canyon half a planet from home, a lone survivor struggles to separate reality from illusion. (Speculative Fiction/Fantasy…