• A Blurred Future by Tanya Eavenson

    by Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin As writers for the Christian market, we need to not only write about people of faith, we need to live like people of faith, seeking God’s guidance in our careers. Today on the Seriously Write blog,…

  • Trailer Tuesday: Unconditional

    Today’s Trailer Tuesday comes from Tanya Eavenson for her novel Unconditional. Enjoy! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aYDFS2qZcc] He will fight for her at any cost… Elizabeth Roberts can’t remember her past, and the present is too painful. She turns to nightclubs and driving to…

  • High Five Friday!!

    In this month of emphasis on thankfulness, a number of authors have found reason to give thanks to the Lord for various blessings related to their writing. Let’s give them all a High Five!! Deanna Klingel is excited to have…