• High Five Friday!!

    It’s been another month of good news for some of us who write Christian fiction. High Five!! everybody! Paula Mowery is snoopy dancing over receiving a contract for a second novella. Her first, The Blessing Seer, from Harbourlight released on July 6th.…

  • Trailer Tuesday: Hummingbird

    Today’s book trailer comes from David Stearman for his debut young adult novel Hummingbird. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP2u_ry8BwQ] She feels like a misfit. Who is she? Where does she belong? Is she Lexa, or Alexandra, or someone else?Forced to commit a crime, she flees…

  • Review: Inescapable

    Lizzie Engel is a young, caring mother to her daughter Charity, much more caring than she believed her own parents to be, especially her father. But Lizzie is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Years after having run…

  • Trailer Tuesday: Avery’s Battlefield and Avery’s Crossroad

    An moving trailer from Deanna Klingel for her two young adult novels Avery’s Battlefield and Avery’s Crossroad.                 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeZAODKeolo]                  Avery’s Battlefield (book one 1861-62) and Avery’s Crossroad (book two 1863-65) contain the story of Avery Junior Bennett and his hound…