A Gathering of Readers and Writers
Sandra Ardoin @sandraardoin
This past weekend was a new experience for me. I attended the 2019 Christian Fiction Readers Retreat in Rockville, Maryland. With around one hundred readers and thirty-eight writers from all over the country, it was a whirlwind of activity and, as my husband noted as he passed the area of the banquet room, loud conversation.
We started with a Meet and Greet on Friday night. Let me be honest, talking to strangers is not my strong suit, but I was determined I would not be one of Jen Turano’s wallflowers. So, I buckled on my belt of courage and marched into the fray. Of course, I met some very nice people, none of whom had ever heard my name. 🙂 But that was okay, because we got to know one another a little.
Saturday brought everyone together for a day of author panels, small groups, speakers, and GIVEAWAYS…lots and lots of giveaways. And laughter. Seriously, we have some hilarious people in the Christian fiction realm.

The previous hosts are stepping down and from now on the retreat will be hosted by American Christian Fiction Writers. It will be held at the same time/same place as the ACFW conference. That means, in 2020, it will be in St. Louis in September. If you’re interested in attending, as a reader or author, sign up here to receive email notifications.
And in case you wanted to know what I wore…

(Honestly, my knee is not that big.)
By the end of the event this introvert was exhausted, so I’ve retreated (pun intended) back to my writing cave, not to be seen in public again until…???
Have you ever attended a reader retreat? How was your experience?
Tori Kayson
So glad you buckled on your belt of courage, Sandy! And that you enjoyed yourself. So will you do it again next year??
Sandra Ardoin
Mmm… Not next year. ACFW is taking over the hosting duties and it will be held in conjunction with the annual conference. You know how great I’ve been at getting to those! ;/
Gail Johnson
Glad you had fun, Sandy! Like you, I have to buckle on that courage belt. ?
Sandra Ardoin
Tight, Gail! Buckle it tight! 🙂
Jill Weatherholt
Good for you, Sandra. I’ve never attended anything like this. I don’t do well in large crowds, but one on one, I’ll chat up a storm. 🙂
Sandra Ardoin
I’m the same way, Jill. It’s all I can do to make my way through a crowd as if I belong. 🙂
Gail Johnson
Me too, Jill! ?