Book Review: Grime Spree by Marji Laine
by Sandra Ardoin
Grime Spree is the third of four novellas in Marji Laine’s Grime Fighter series. Be warned, there is a continuing, overall story line in this series that won’t end until the fifth novella. However, each book contains a completed mystery, so there are no cliff-hanger endings.
In this latest installment, we come closer to discovering the real Dani Foster. The past of this crime-scene cleaner is a mystery not only to the reader, but to Jay Hunter, her hunky love interest and a detective with the Dallas Police Department. Although, by this time, the reader knows more than poor Jay.
Dark-haired and oh-so-sweet, Jay makes Dani (aka Sammi) go weak in the knees. But she can’t tell him her deepest secret for fear he’ll never want to see her again. Jay, on the other hand, knows a secret exists. He must decide if he will let not being privy to it break them apart or accept her as the woman he’s come to know and love.
When a long-awaited date turns into a crime, a man from Dani’s past saves her from being involved, but he can’t save her from becoming a suspect or a target for the people she’s hiding from. On top of it all, Jay asks Dani to meet his family and spend July 4th with them. She’s dug herself deeper into a relationship she knows cannot end well when the truth comes out.
His gentle voice and tender look incapacitated her resolve. ‘I really would like to go. If we can work out the details.’ She had gotten far too good at lying. Should she and Jay have a chance at any future, she’d have to break that trend.
I’ve been privileged to read all of these novellas, and each one gets better. They contain a little humor (this one is more serious), romance (of course), and a cozy-style mystery that reminds me of the recent books from Sandra Orchard. Each book builds on the other, and the pacing of the revelation of Dani’s past has been on target. Did I mention I find Jay adorable?
If you’re looking for a quick moving, light, and entertaining mystery, you won’t go wrong with any of the books in the Grime Fighter series. But be sure to start with the first one, Grime Beat.
None of the books in this series are particularly deep and dramatic—though each has its moments. Do you go through periods when you just want something fun and light to read, escapism that hooks and entertains you?
On a personal note:
A Reluctant Melody is FREE on Kindle Unlimited right now, so if you have a Prime membership, snatch it up! If you don’t, it’s okay. The e-book is temporarily priced at $.99. Go for it!
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Marji Laine
Thank you so much for reviewing GRIME SPREE, Sandra. I’m so glad you liked it! Dani and Jay actually have 2 more stories before their saga is finally over, but I expect to release both this year!
Sandra Ardoin
So sorry, Marji. I thought I read that the fourth was the last. I’ve updated the post to correct my misunderstanding!
Marji Laine
Originally, I’d planned that, but there was too big of a gap between 3 and 4. More to savor! 🙂