Inspirational Books,  The Writing Life

Delia Latham’s Journey to Solomon’s Gate

Is a little respect too much to ask at a parent’s funeral? 

Apparently it is for Destiny May. Clay Gallagher is built like a small mountain and far more vocal than is fitting when he shows up late to her mother’s “going away party.” When it turns out he’s not even at the right funeral, Destiny demands retribution in the form of an escape from the day’s dreary proceedings. Spending time with a handsome stranger who makes her laugh is more therapeutic than fighting with her overbearing family. 

Clay finds Destiny beautiful, charming…and intelligent. So why is she stubbornly determined to open a Christian dating service? Clay has little respect for such a frivolous profession, and doesn’t think the small, conservative town of Castle Creek will welcome such a progressive business. But when Destiny is threatened by an anonymous caller who deeply resents her and what she does for a living, Clay makes it his business to keep the saucy redhead out of harm’s way. 

Trouble is, spending time in her company weakens his defenses, and Destiny may be the one thing Clay can’t escape…if he even wants to.


Today, I’m excited to welcome Delia Latham to my blog. Her latest book, Destiny’s Dream, is the first in a new series, so I asked her to share a little bit about how it came to be. I’m so glad to have you, Delia. Welcome!

It’s an honor to be a guest on the Wordslinger blog. Thanks, Sandy, for having me! 

I’m here as part of the blog tour for Destiny’s Dream, my new inspirational romance. It’s Book One in a 3-book series called Solomon’s Gate, and will be followed by Kylie’s Kiss and Gypsy’s Game. I think you’re going to love it…I certainly loved writing it! 

So. Why would a fifty-something grandmother who’s been married for well over three decades decide to write a whole series of books about, of all things, a dating agency? Well, since you asked…  

I once read a wonderfully humorous novel based around a matchmaking service set up by one of several sisters, and if I’m remembering correctly, each of the women had their own story. I really wish I could remember who wrote that series, but part of being fifty-something is a certain lack of memory retention…no, let’s not go there. Ahem

That book passed through my hands some years before I ever wrote my first novel. 

The concept fascinated me, probably because at that time dating agencies hadn’t become the trend they are now. I remember thinking, “Wow! What if someone opened a dating agency for Christians? Wouldn’t it be fun to write something like that?” I didn’t immediately delve into doing it though. I mulled on it while doing dishes and making beds. I did some online research into dating agencies. (Did you know matchmaking is one of the oldest professions known? And that it’s currently a $1 billion industry in the U.S.?) I dreamed up a few possible scenarios—usually when I was on a long drive by myself, or while trying to get to sleep at night. 

Not exactly your run-of-the-mill writing method, but it works for me. By the time I actually sit down in front of my computer and open up my word processing program, I have a fairly good start on the story tucked away in my brain, just waiting to be written.

Funny thing is, I kept this one in the back of my mind for a long time. I started Goldeneyes. I wrote Yesterday’s Promise. I finished  Goldeneyes. They were both published. 

Then one day I woke up and knew it was time. It was as if God were nudging me with a reminder. “Weren’t you dreaming up something about a Christian dating agency? Well, daughter, it won’t write itself.” 

You see, God had a plan for these books, and it wasn’t all about what they would say to my readers. Some of it was what He wanted to do for me—in me— as I wrote them. I learned things about myself I didn’t know, and I discovered things about God and His ways that I had only vaguely considered before. 

I hope I wrote a little of that wonder into Destiny’s Dream. I think I did, and I hope you find it when you read the book(s). You’ll let me know, won’t you? 

For now, I want to invite you to be a part of the Daughters of Destiny Contest. In lieu of doing giveaways at every blog stop on my tour, I’ve put together a fun, exciting, 2-part contest on my website. It will be ongoing from December 15 through January 31. The prizes are gorgeous…you’re going to love them. I’ve built in ample opportunity for you to earn many entries, because the more entries, the better your chance of winning, right? (Even if you don’t win, you can send me a SASE, and I’ll get it back to you filled with bookmarks—even a bookplate, if you want a signed one for your copy of Destiny’s Dream.

Curious about that contest? Follow me… 


Thanks for sharing your story, Delia. As an aside, I got to read a few chapters of the second book, Kylie’s Kiss, in the critique stage and, honestly, I found it very appealing. I’m so glad I’ll get to read the finished product!


I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection  with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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