Inspirational Books,  The Writing Life

God’s Guest List

I’ve done a number of posts that I call High-five Friday!! These posts celebrate the accomplishments of some of your favorite Christian writers. When author Linda Rohrbough sent me the following fun story, I invited her to share it here in a special posting—-on Tuesday. Welcome, Linda! 

I’d like to share a High-five!! story I think, as readers, you will enjoy. Five years ago I was invited by a business colleague and friend, Jodi Thomas, to come to her home in Amarillo. She was having some important contacts to a luncheon before a conference and she thought it would help me to meet those people. We’re pretty good friends so I went, and drove several hours to be there. 

When I got there, my friend was preparing for a houseful of guests. She was exhausted because her book tour lasted longer than expected and she got home late the night before. When the guests arrived, her local friends, who normally come into the kitchen to help with meals, instead gathered around the important people in the living room. There was no one to help with the food. 

I decided to let go of my expectation of being able to get to know the famous folks. I’ve been to Jodi’s house a number of times, and know the layout. So I sent Jodi out to be with her important guests and pretty much alone served up the meal and then cleaned up afterward.  

When everyone left, one of the famous people stayed, and Jodi invited me to go along on a tour of the city. It was then I got to know this person and she asked me if I would consider mentoring her on a problem she had. Only it had to be in secret – no one could know. I agreed. Over the last four to five years, she’d call or invite me to visit her and we’d work together on her problem. And she shared with me her business secrets and knowledge. I felt honored because I realized God blessed me – none of the people who jockeyed for position during that luncheon ended up being this famous person’s friend. That was good enough for me. 

But then my famous friend wrote a book that revealed her secret and let me off the hook keeping it. The book is God’s Guest List, it just came out this month and the author is Debbie Macomber, a New York Times #1 women’s fiction author. Debbie says in the book God sent me to help free her from a blockage Satan was using to beat her. The surprise to me was how much she knew about what went on at the luncheon that day we met. 

To say I’m honored is a understatement. I’m realizing how much I can really trust God that as I do what’s right in His eyes, and make the right choices for me, how much He’ll bless me both personally and in my career. 

As someone who is trying to honor God, I decided to share it with you. Thanks in advance for being there and for understanding.

I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection  with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

Isn’t it amazing what can happen when we put ourselves aside and let God take over? Visit Linda’s website at


I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection  with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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