January 2020 Around the Web
January is already (almost) over? Seriously? One-twelfth of 2020 is (almost) gone.
In the last few years, I’ve let various writing tasks come before my novel writing, which means slow progress. This year, I’m making a concentrated effort to put my writing first. So far, it’s paying off with a satisfactory advance in the next book in my Widow’s Might series.
How is your 2020 progressing so far? If you need inspiration or how-tos, check out the following posts.

“Good Thoughts – Good Memories ~ in 2020” on author Nike Chellimi’s blog shows how to find positive inspiration when our thoughts tend to turn negative.
Do you find a word for the year? For 2020, mine is contentment in the context of acceptance – accepting that I’m where I am in various areas for a reason. That doesn’t mean giving up dreams or not trying to be better. It means relying on God to show me His plan, His dream for my life (Jeremiah 29:11). To do that, Barbara Latta’s word comes in handy.
Sometimes, we read a book we find amazing, but when we’re done, we’re done. Did you know that the author of that book needs your help in order to provide more amazing stories for you? Don’t know how to help? Author Jody Hedlund lists “20 Easy Ways Readers Can Promote Books in 2020” on the Inspired by Life…and Fiction blog.
Are there topics you’d like to read in a Christian romance novel that don’t seem to be covered enough? Check out the post and comments for “Life, Anxiety, and Taboo Topics in Christian Romance” by Heather Gray on the Inspy Romance blog. Comment below with a topic you think doesn’t get enough attention. Keep in mind, we’re discussing the Christian romance genre.
Are you a member of a book club? Looking for one (or another one)? Revell has created Beyond the Book, a Facebook group to discuss new and old releases (all Revell, I’m sure). First up in February is Sarah Sundin’s upcoming release, The Land Beneath Us.
With the new year, we tend to look at the details of our writing business. “How to Create a Business Plan For Indie Authors” on the ALLI blog is a detailed post with a lot of good information for authors of all stripes, really.
Do you want your reader to walk in your character’s shoes? “How to write immersive fiction: Action versus the intention to act” on editor Louise Harnby’s blog talks about how ditching an infinitive can take the writing from tell to show.
David Gaughran give detailed tips to help with author newsletters in “7 Expert Tricks to Improve Your Author Newsletter.”