July 2020 Around the Web
We’ve had lots of fun around the web this month, but I have to say that this is truly one of those TGIF weeks. 🙂 How was your July?

A fun post on Jill Weatherholt’s blog with the “Lockdown Lowdown.” Jill had the courage to tackle a few closets. Me? I started the clean-out routine, but it didn’t get far. Neither did the things I cleaned out. 🙂
How often do we do something we’ve been advised not to do? I enjoyed “Don’t Stick Your Finger in the Fan” on the Arise Daily Devos blog.
Do you have cold feet? Um…maybe. I like Diana Derringer’s take with “Cold Feet.”
“Old Barn, Old Tools ~ Farming in By-Gone Days” by author Naomi Musch on the Colonial Quills blog can be considered reading related as it pertains to historicals and some of the tools we don’t really see anymore.
Evidently, author Julie Lessman saves all her news for one blog post—and a lot of news it is. But I found her July “Journal Jots” a fun way to communicate lots of information about her personal and professional goings-on.
Looking for things to include in that “must-have” newsletter but not sure what you have to say? Yeah, I went through this. You’ll find some great suggestions with “[WRITING TIP]: 12 IMPORTANT THINGS TO INCLUDE IN AN AUTHOR NEWSLETTER” by Sara Beth Williams on the Anaiah Press blog.
I listen to a number of podcasts, so I thought I’d start including those in these lists. The first one of is an episode from Joanna Penn’s podcast visit with a successful indie author. It appealed to me, because I’m in the middle of my first published series. “Writing A Series. Satisfy Readers And Make More Money With Lindsay Buroker” is long but worthwhile.
Now is a great time to try to get your book into libraries! “Public Libraries: An Asset For Independent Authors” on the Bookbaby blog is chock full of information for doing just that.https://blog.bookbaby.com/2020/06/public-libraries-an-asset-for-independent-authors
For those of us still concerned over returning to the pews, this might set your mind at ease. Maybe.
I saw it on the Steve Laube blog, so I stole…uh…copied it here. Where are their masks?
Today is the last day to check out these summer reads, both fiction and non-fiction! https://books.bookfunnel.com/faithbasedbooks/exh0pl02p2

Diana Derringer
Thanks for the mention, Sandra. Blessings.
Sandra Ardoin
You’re welcome, Diana. I think it caught my attention, because my feet are always cold in winter. 🙂
Jill Weatherholt
Thank you for mentioning my post, Sandra. I’m still trying to clean out closets! I might have to write a Part Two. <3
Sandra Ardoin
My pleasure, Jill. I enjoyed it. Ah, if you run out closets, you’re always welcome to do mine. 🙂
Jill Weatherholt
LOL! I’ve got to get the tendinitis in my wrist under control first. 🙂
Sandra Ardoin
Yipes! Yes, do that. My junk has waited this long. 🙂