19th Century,  Book Reviews,  Inspirational Books,  Reading

Review: Love by the Letter by Melissa Jagears

Dex Stanton prepares to leave Missouri to establish a farm on the plains. Life there would be so much better if he could take a wife, but the mail-order bride he wrote to fill the position answers by making fun of his prime weakness: his inability to read and write properly. His best bet at improvement lies with Rachel Oliver, the smartest woman in town, and the one woman his pride won’t let him take west.

Rachel has an opportunity for higher education, but she’s put it off for four years with the hope Dex finally sees her and her feelings for him. But he’s leaving town and there’s little reason to wait any longer.


Love by the Letter, a novella written by Melissa Jagears, is a fun introduction to her series, An Unexpected Bride. The first full-length novel, A Bride for Keeps, released this month. 

The story moves at a brisk, yet natural pace. The ending isn’t rushed given the small word count, and the romance satisfies. Dex and Rachel are well-developed characters to be cheered on in their goals.

A novella from a debut author gives readers an idea of the type of writing and story they can expect from the rest of the series. In this case, I found Ms. Jagears’ voice to be similar to Karen Witemeyer’s or Deanne Gist’s. So, like me, if you’re a fan of either of the latter authors, you should enjoy this new series.

As of this date (October 8, 2013) you’ll find this novella as a free Kindle download. Included at the end is a generous preview of A Bride for Keeps. So what do you have to lose? 

I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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