Book Reviews,  Inspirational Books

Review: The Matrimony Plan

Felicity Kensington is preparing for the grandest wedding Pearlman, Michigan, has ever seen. True, her prospective husband is virtually a stranger. But the well-connected engineer her father hired fits all her marriage criteria. Except for  one tiny flaw: it’s the town’s new pastor, not the wealthy engineer, who makes Felicity’s heart race…

Gabriel Meeks left New York to avoid high society’s foolish rules. Instead, he’s immediately smitten with the high-and-mighty Miss Kensington. Beneath Felicity’s misplaced pride is a woman of genuine worth, if he can only help her see it. And nothing could make him happier than ensuring that her matrimony plan takes an unexpected twist!

This is the back cover copy for Christine Johnson’s romance The Matrimony Plan, a Love Inspired Historical.

IMO: This is the first of Christine Johnson’s novels I’ve read, but I’m thinking it won’t be the last one. Set in 1920, this story grabs the reader with the first paragraph: “Today, Felicity Kensington was going to meet her future husband. He didn’t know this yet, of course, but he had a full two months to come to that conclusion.” Boy, does she have a surprise coming! Can anyone repeat, “The best laid plans…”? 

Poor, little rich girl Felicity is desperate to get out from under the control of her mother, even if it means determining to marry a man she’s never met. From the first scene in which I met mama, I sympathized with her daughter’s need to bolt. In the end, it’s Eugenia Kensington who is surprised.

Then we meet Gabriel. Oh my goodness, from the first scene…what a sweetheart! Enough said? No? I’m sorry. You’ll just have to read the book. 

And the dog? After meeting that little mongrel, tell me you wouldn’t have done exactly what Felicity did, even though she risked her life to save his.

Though I had a fairly clear picture of 1920 and the prohibition era, I have to admit that the young, unmarried women being addressed throughout the book as “Ms.” rather than “Miss” drove me crazy. However, my interest in Felicity’s story overrode my pickiness in that particular detail.

This story is built around strong but flawed characters with a heart for those less fortunate. If you’re looking for a feel good, sweet romance between two very likeable people, then I definitely recommend The Matrimony Plan



Disclosure of Material Connection: This book came to me free from Harlequin with the hope that I would mention it on this blog. There was no requirement for me to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed above are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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