September 2019 Around the Web
This month’s list will be short since I was gone much of the month and away from the internet. (Gasp! Is that even possible?)

Because I just returned from a trip in which we (my husband) drove a couple of thousand miles, I found “Jesus Take the Wheel” on the blog of Starr Ayers, Author both amusing and…ahem…convicting. I may or may not be guilty of a few things on her list, especially number eight.
In 2018, I focused here on God’s command to be strong and courageous. This week, I’ve needed the reminder in “Strength From His Word” on LuAnn K. Edwards’ blog.
I’m including today’s Seriously Write post here, because whether you’re a writer or not, “The Inheritance of God” can apply to anyone’s hopes and dreams. WARNING: Wear steel-toed boots when you read it.
Ever had a review blocked by Amazon? I enjoyed Dee Dee Chumley’s take on her experience in “Censored.” Sometimes, we have to just stop and wonder.
Have you heard the term “beta reader” and wondered what it meant? Have you considered being a beta reader for an author but didn’t know what would be expected of you? “How to Be a Valuable Beta Reader” on the Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference blog provides the answers to your questions.
This one is from August 31, but hey, close enough. Because I’m in book-launch mode, I had to read DiAnn Mills’ Almost An Author post, “How Do Writers Create Book Launch Content?”.
Podcasts are a regular part of my keeping up with the craft and marketing how-to’s. One of my favorites is Joanna Penn’s Creative Penn podcasts. I especially enjoyed “Writing Tips: Unforgettable Endings With James Scott Bell.“