Seriously Write: The Organized Writer by Jennifer Hallmark
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to keeping all my writing-related “things” in their proper places, I have moments of organization and moments of total chaos. On the Seriously Write blog, author Jennifer Hallmark shares her tips and some organizational products for keeping that chaos to a minimum.
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I have main folder by type, for instance BOOKS is where I keep all my files on the book I’m writing. Inside that file, there are folders titled PUBBED where I move the published books. Also under BOOKS are the folders titled by the series, then subfolders by each book. Within a book’s folder, there will be folders marked RESEARCH, PHOTOS, etc.
I use Scrivener to organize things but I probably don’t use it to its full potential. I keep going back to what I know the best, which is Word for Mac.
Sandra Ardoin
I love the fact that folders can be created within folders, Ane–something I’m embarrassed to say I discovered too short a time ago. It seems like you take great advantage of the ability to keep your files in order. I like the idea of having a main file for your projects and moving them to your pubbed file. And Scrivener is wonderful for keeping research within a finger’s reach.