Inspirational Books,  The Writing Life

Shadowed In Silk

I’ve asked Christine Lindsay to share a bit about how it feels to have a first book accepted by a publisher. Her novel Shadowed in Silk is scheduled to release in ebook form this summer. Welcome Christine!

Hi Sandy, thank you so much for having me as a guest on your blog. It’s a real pleasure to make new friends and another writing peer. Even more special is the fact we both love MM Kaye and her romantic epic novels that were set in India. I hope we can spread the fun of reading novels set in that fascinating place.

The email from WhiteFire Publishing popped up on my screen one morning in November, as I was working on my current story. WhiteFire wanted to publish my novel SHADOWED IN SILK. The usual visceral responses happened. My heart started pounding . . .  I could hardly believe it.

Yet, knowing how God delights in surprising His children, I did believe it. Deep down, it just felt right. After 10 years of pursuing a ministry in Christian Fiction, one of my novels will make its debut, this summer 2011.

There was no shriek. A quiet awe in the face of God’s goodness fell over me. To add icing to the cake, the email arrived on the day of my 30th wedding anniversary. The Lord had sent me a terribly romantic gift, because——and this is the first time I’m making this public——my hero, Major Geoff Richards, is based on my husband’s soul. When God does something, the details take your breath away.

It hasn’t been an easy journey. I felt God’s call over 10 years ago as I was writing the emotional fall-out from being reunited with my birth-daughter—the child I relinquished to adoption. You can read our full story on my blog

As I received healing from the Lord over that loss, I felt Him whisper, “Put what you’ve learned into fiction to help others.”

So I did the work: Writing courses, read writing books, attended conferences, everything a writer must do. Over time the Lord sent me an awesome critique partner and an agent. In faith I turned down promotions at work. Eventually I left my job, because I felt the Lord wanted me to pursue my writing dream, knowing sacrifice would be required to see that dream fulfilled.

Each time I thought of giving up, the Lord would do something amazing to spur me on. One of those encouragements came when SHADOWED IN SILK won the 2009 ACFW Genesis for Historical under the previous title UNVEILED.

But after 10 years, finishing 2 full-length novels, and having them get to various discussion tables in the major publishing houses, my novels were being passed over. The reason I heard most often was, “The setting won’t suit the market.”

This frustrated me, because you can’t find a more colorful setting than the British Raj—the short 300 years when England ruled India. The era was full of danger, intrigue, cavalry officers, honor and romance.

It seemed my British Raj story was destined for the bottom drawer. So I started to write my 3rd and my last attempt at Christian Fiction. Then I received the email.

I’m savoring the moment these days. Still shaking my head every once in a while. But what means more than anything is—I had heard God’s voice to pursue a writing career. I had acted in faith. He had indeed inspired me.

SHADOWED IN SILK will be released in 2 stages: First as an eBook, summer 2011, and as a traditional book, autumn 2011.


What a great story about perseverance, Christine. It’s an inspiration for me and other writers as we go through the process. Thanks!


Christine Lindsay writes historical inspirational romance. She’s a member of ACFW and her upcoming novel SHADOWED IN SILK won the 2009 ACFW Genesis award in the historical category. Christine’s ancestors who served in the British cavalry in India seeded her long-time fascination with the British Raj era. The Pacific Northwest of Canada is home to Christine, her husband of 30 years, and their grown-up family. She loves being Nana to her 3 little grandsons. And her cat, Scottie is her chief editor.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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  • Edwina Cowgill

    What an encouraging story! God’s timing is always right, even though we usually don’t think so. Christine, your story has encouraged me to keep waiting on God’s timing.

  • Christine Lindsay

    Thank you Sandra for having me as a guest today. I’m so looking forward to coming back later in the year on your blog to talk about the journey of research that came into the writing of SHADOWED IN SILK.

    I’m so thankful to God that this book that is dear to my heart is coming out not only as an eBook but as a traditionally published book later in the year. By the way, Sandra, this is a beautiful looking blog.

  • Roseanna M. White

    And the Lord couldn’t have given us at WhiteFire a better author to work with! I’m honored to be part of your publication journey, Christine, and thrilled for the chance to bring SHADOWED IN SILK to readers.

  • Christy LaShea

    Hi Christina … I enjoyed reading about your journey. Your book sounds great and the setting just as fabulous. I love books that take us away. Whether its to another world or another time. You’ve tapped onto a piece of history many of us weren’t aware of. Can you share any research tips for those of us writing historical?

    • Sandra Ardoin

      Hi, Christy.

      Christina will be back here closer to the release date of her book this summer to tell us how she went about researching for this story. I, too, find these settings fascinating.

    • Christine Lindsay

      Hi Christy, I’m the same, I love that kind of novel that sweeps me away. I guess that’s why I read more historicals than anything else. I also love writing historicals, but there are times I despair, because so many things can trip a writer up—if you get a actual detail wrong. My daughter–as history major–told me once that in university essays, a student must also find as many primary sources as possible–meaning first person experiences. And to get more than one person’s angle of a particular setting or time. So I use the net only as a backup, or to stimulate ideas of where I can get those first-person sources. The good old library is always the best. For this novel, I read copious numbers of biographies and auto-biographies—-from women who lived during the British Raj to Generals at the tail-end of the Raj to historical figures like Gandhi, Neru and others. I read books of people who trek that area today to get a better feel for the place. I studied up on way-too-many details on Indian women, the history of Christianity at the time, even cookbooks from that era. I could go on and on. In fact I’ll be addressing the research issue in another posting on Sandra’s blog later in the year. But for a historical, it boils down to lots of reading, and taking notes to rely on later. And of course, you have to love the era you’re writing on. And in the case of Shadowed in Silk, I ended up loving India and her people more than I did before. Blessings.

  • Peggy Griffin

    Christine and I had an instant rapport a few years ago when we were new members of ACFW learning to navigate the website and loops. We’ve laughed, cried, prayed, and encouraged each other through this amazing journey of writing. I was blessed to read as she wrote this story and can hardly wait to see the book.
    Canada and South MS are separated by miles, but she’s always there to cheer me on. I ask God’s blessings on her writing, and all the ministries in which she’s involved.

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