June 2020 Around the Web
We’re typing “The End” to June. In light of the difficulties of this year, where are you in your goals for 2020? Are you pleased with your progress in life and writing? Are you behind, unable to contrate? I’d say…
Seriously Write: The Bigger Story by Susan G Mathis
In my novels as well as all of my writing, I include God’s truths in the story… Susan G. Mathis Today on the Seriously Write blog, author Susan G. Mathis shares the importance of connecting with others through story or…
Seriously Write: Move to a Boot and Have a Hoot by Mikal Dawn
There’s a saying out there. I don’t know where it started, but I know my best friend and I would always repeat it when we were faced with a situation that made us roll our eyes and pull out our…
October 2019 Around the Web
It’s been a busy month for me with a new release and trying to gain traction on the next book. Maybe you’ll find something of interest, inspiration, or wisdom in the following posts from sites around the web. Sometimes, we…