October 2019 Around the Web
It’s been a busy month for me with a new release and trying to gain traction on the next book. Maybe you’ll find something of interest, inspiration, or wisdom in the following posts from sites around the web.

Sometimes, we all need to ask ourselves the question, “Are you ready for a change.” I’m a football fan, but even I know that players need to back away from the sport if their future is threatened by concussions. I found this article encouraging and inspiring.
Although “Scripture Saturation” is on the Write2Ignite site, it has little to do with writing and is a good reminder for every Christian with a fast-paced life.
We’re all busy…too busy. I needed “A Prayer For When You’re Overwhelmed” from Joshua J. Masters. You might need it too.
Do you enjoy Regency romance? Then, you should find this interview on Family Fiction “Historical Q & A: Kristi Ann Hunter (A Return of Devotion)” worthy of a read. I especially found the question about historical tidbits interesting.
Have you ever had someone look down on you for reading fiction? In “To Those Who Stick Up Their Noses at Christian Fiction” on Inspired by Life…and Fiction, Jody Hedlund tackles head-on the criticism she read on Twitter.
If you write reviews (if not, why aren’t you?), “How to Write a Book Review” by Rell Mollet provides an infographic of what information to include…and what not to include.
Don’t just name the emotion, make the reader feel it through your words. As writers, we hear that great advice all the time. That’s why “4 Pro Tips For Writing the Emotional Journey in Deep POV” on the Writers in the Storm blog is a good article to read as a reminder.
My publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, was recently purchased by Iron Stream Media, and they’ve put out a “Call for Submissions” for their various imprints.
I read “Authors Want to Know: What Is a Chapter?” on the Indies Unlimited site, because… well, I wanted to know. Do you have a set way of establishing chapters and their lengths?
I embedded the following video in my newsletter this month. (You never know what you’ll find in my newsletters.) Did you know the 15th was National I Love Lucy Day?
If you want to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in my writing, along with specials and other fun facts, use the sign-up form on this website to get my Love and Faith in Fiction newsletter.