• High Five Friday!!

    The writing life has its ups and downs. Too often, the downs seem to outweigh the ups, so when we get good news in the form of a contract, agent, contest results, or special invitation, we take our celebrations seriously. Today…

  • High Five Friday!!

    It’s been another month of good news for some of us who write Christian fiction. High Five!! everybody! Paula Mowery is snoopy dancing over receiving a contract for a second novella. Her first, The Blessing Seer, from Harbourlight released on July 6th.…

  • High Five Friday!!

    It’s been an exciting month for a number of writers. Here are a few with special celebrations: James R. Callan looks forward to the early April release of Murder a Cappella, because it’s the first mystery/suspense book he’s written with his daughter,…

  • High Five Friday!!

    Today we’re applauding writing accomplishments that have the following authors celebrating even as their fingers are flying over the laptop keys.  Janalyn Voigt had an awesome month. She gained an agent, Barbara Scott at WordServe Literary, and signed a contract for DawnSinger and Wayfarer,…