• Book Review: When Tides Turn by Sarah Sundin

    Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin (I can totally see Dan Avery through that cover photo—stiff and super serious.) When Tides Turn is out and finishes the naval-set stories of Jim, Lillian, and Dan Avery in the Waves of Freedom series.  Readers, don’t even think you’ll…

  • Book Review: Tangled Webs by Irene Hannon

    by Sandra Ardoin @SandraArdoin Tangled Webs is the third book in the Men of Valor series by Irene Hannon and finishes the romantic and suspenseful stories of the McGregor brothers. The youngest, Finn, rents a backwoods cabin to sort through…

  • Book Review: The Pelican Bride by Beth White

    In 1704, Geneviève Gallain, a persecuted Huguenot, escapes arrest in France and travels with her sister and others to what would become Mobile, Alabama on the French ship Pélican. This group of women, known as Pélican brides, agree to marry French soldiers in the Louisiane…