Book Trailers,  Inspirational Books

Trailer Tuesday: Emma and the Paper

This book trailer is special to me because it’s for a children’s book by my friend Phyllis Keels. While the story itself is for children, Phyllis included a Bible study in the back for parents. In this video she talks of how the book came to be and introduces us to the real-life Emma. (Check out the dandelions in Emma’s collar.)




Phyllis Keels wrote this children’s book “Emma and the Paper” for her father, Jesse Holden, before he passed away in 2009. Phyllis talks about how the book came about, the special relationship her father had with her dog Emma and why this story shows a deeper truth about God.


In addition to the children’s book, Phyllis Keels is also the writer of Christian fiction. Her recent release, “The Lady of Daldriada,” is a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards 2012. Since she has a passion for coaching other writers in discovering and developing their gift of writing, Phyllis developed “The Author of the Spirit” course to do just that. In whatever method writer’s need, Phyllis shepherds others in using their gifts to find great joy in knowing God. Phyllis lives in North Carolina with her son and two dogs.



I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection  with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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