Book Trailers,  Inspirational Books

Trailer Tuesday: Journey’s End

Today’s book trailer is for Journey’s End by Dora Hiers.




Devastated after the brutal murder of her husband, Chelsea Hammond vows never to love another lawman. Intent on rebuilding her shattered life, she turns her focus to helping troubled teens. But when an angry father bent on retaliation, threatens her, Chelsea must turn to the one man she never thought to trust: Deputy U.S. Marshal Trey Colten.

Trey wants only to protect Chelsea, but she blames him for her husband’s death.Trey can relate. He blames himself, also. As danger lurks, Trey begs Chelsea to heed his warnings. He let down one Hammond. He won’t let down another—especially one who now holds his heart.

When Chelsea is snatched from her home, can she put aside her fear, and trust Trey with her life? Can she forgive him for destroying her past and let him help to rebuild her future?
Where one journey ends, another begins…


After a successful auditing career, Dora left the corporate world to be a stay-at-home mom to her two sons. Eventually, needing something more to fill her days, she started writing heart racing, God-gracing books. Dora belongs to the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the Carolina Christian Writers. Dora and her husband make their home in North Carolina. When she’s not writing, Dora enjoys spending time with her family, kicking back in her recliner with a good book, teaching Sunday School, vacationing in the mountains, cheering for the Panthers, and walking her dog. 

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

No Comments

  • Tammy Doherty

    This is a really good book. Though the trailer is nice, it doesn’t do justice to the story. There’s just so much more to it!! It wouldn’t all fit in a trailer, so this is good 🙂 Can’t wait for Dora to have another novel released. When will that be, Dora? No pressure!

    Tammy Doherty

    • Dora Hiers

      Hey Tammy! You’re so sweet! This trailer was a gift from the wonderful gals at Long And Short Reviews when Journey’s End was chosen Book of the Week.

      Journey’s Edge releases on March 30th. Yay! Finally!

      I hope you’re enjoying beautiful spring-like weather in the northeast. Good for growing your beautiful flowers! Thanks for dropping by, Tammy.

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