Book Trailers,  Inspirational Books,  Reading

Trailer Tuesday: The Chamomile by Susan F. Craft

Today’s book trailer is for Susan F. Craft’s novel with a Revolutionary War setting, The Chamomile.


Lilyan Cameron joins patriot spies in British-occupied Charlestown, SC, to rescue her brother from a notorious prison ship.  She’ll lie, steal, kill, or be killed she promises Nicholas Xanthakos, a scout with Francis Marion’s partisans, who leads the mission.  In Nicholas’ arms she discovers enduring love … a home.  But that home is a long time coming.  Her journey requires she save the life of one British officer but kill another to protect her Cherokee friend, Elizabeth. In escaping bounty hunters, she treks miles of wilderness and very nearly loses everything before finally reuniting with her true love.


A South Carolinian, Susan F. Craft, is the author of The Chamomile, a Revolutionary War romantic suspense and SIBA Okra Pick.

A history lover, Susan researches for her novels with the same excitement as Alan Quartermain hunting for King Solomon’s Mines and with the persistence of Lewis and Clark. She enjoys the chase when a clue leads her from one “treasure” to the next, to the next.

She has a degree in Broadcast Journalism.  Her 40-year career includes working for SC Educational Television, the SC Department of Mental Health, the SC College of Pharmacy, and currently for the SC Senate.

The Chamomile, published by Ingalls Publishing Group, was released in November 2011 and is the fourth book she has authored. The first two were SC State Library award-winning professional works in the field of mental health, and the third, self-published in 2006, is A Perfect Tempest, a historical fiction set in Columbia during the Civil War.

Susan also wrote A Writer’s Guide to Horses, which is available on the website of the Long Riders’ Guild Academic Foundation,  The Guide provides authors comprehensive information about horses to assist them to accurately portray horses in their works.

Susan is a member of Romance Writers of America, the American Christian Fiction Writers, The Historical Novel Society, the SC Writers Workshop, the SC Historical Society, the Palmetto Christian Fiction Network, the Robert Burns Society, the Colonial American Christian Writers, and the Inkplots, a writers’ critique group. Her short stories have been published in four of the group’s collections.  She is represented by Linda Glaz of the Hartline Literary Agency.

Her website is at

Her blog is at

She contributes to

and also to

She is on Facebook and Pinterest as Susan F. Craft.

I have received no compensation for this post and have no material connection with any product(s) mentioned. Embedded links are strictly for the convenience of my readers.

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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