Life in General

Black Friday

It’s Black Friday, the official beginning of the  Christmas shopping season. For me, it’s always the official beginning of the Christmas decorating season.

So, after you’ve eaten the turkey, watched the football game, and taken a nap, what are your traditions for the holiday weekend? 

Are you heading to the mall to snap up all the “bargains?” Or have you decided to wait a while? Are you one of those who sends your blood pressure soaring on Christmas Eve while checking people off your list–starting at the top? Or are you one who smiles while watching others race through the stores, knowing your gifts are bought, wrapped and waiting to be placed under the tree?

Are you like me, dragging out the boxes (and boxes and boxes) of decorations and wondering how you ever accumulated so much junk? Is this when you start your cookie baking?

Whatever you plan to do, relax and enjoy! Then come back by here on Tuesday. I’ll be reviewing Tamera Alexander’s latest novel, Within My Heart.




As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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  • Edwina Cowgill

    I had to take down my fall/Thanksgiving decorations before I could drag out boxes and containers of Christmas decorations. As I was dragging all that stuff out of storage, I seperated it into what goes upstairs on the main floor and what stayed on the bottom floor. I managed to get half of the decorations for upstairs moved up, but had to stop. I love decorating for Christmas, but it’s hard work!!

    • Sandra Ardoin

      I don’t do much of anything for Thanksgiving/fall decorations, but for Christmas–it takes me three days to put up and three days to take down! The thing I like about putting out the decorations is the surprise. Every year I unpack something (usually a Santa in my collection) and say to myself, “I forgot I had this!” It’s almost like unwrapping an early Christmas gift!

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