Life in General


I ran this post two years ago, but I think it especially important this year when the world seems to be a little crazier each day. 

Have you ever heard someone say something like, “I don’t understand why this has happened. Why is God allowing this?”

I’m sorry to say that I’m not qualified to know the exact answer as to why  people suffer physically, emotionally, economically, or in any other way–and I won’t attempt to do so. That’s way above the pay grade of even Warren Buffett.

When I look around and see some of the things others are going through, I wonder why I’ve been so blessed in my life. Have I ever hit rough patches? You betcha! Have I gotten everything in life I would like to have? Unfortunately not. Do  I think I deserve to  be so fortunate? Seriously?

There is no such thing as having everything we want or having things just the way we want them. However, there is such a thing as being content with what we have and where God has us, because He has promised He will never leave us and never forsake us. (Not my words, it says so in Hebrews 13:5.) 

Life is not a ferris wheel ride. It can be more like a violent roller coaster. So, maybe that’s the blessing of Thanksgiving. It serves as a focus, a reminder that He sits in the same seat, right there alongside us, providing the peace that passes all understanding.

Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We have it straight from the Savior’s mouth!

I don’t want to minimize the seriousness of anyone’s situation, but whatever you’re facing right now, He’s there. He knows. And He’s already provided you with the One you need to get through it.

In this life, you may never get that answer to “Why?”, but when you’re riding with the Savior, is it so vital to know?

I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Psalm 7:17 (NIV)

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

As an author of heartwarming historical and contemporary romance, Sandra Ardoin engages readers with page-turning stories of love and faith. Rarely out of reach of a book, she's also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.

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